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Google Confirms AI Overviews Affected by Core Updates: Implications for Small Business Owners

Google Confirms AI Overviews Affected by Core Updates: Implications for Small Business Owners

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more intertwined with search engine optimisation (SEO), Google's continuous evolution is profoundly affecting digital marketing strategies. Google’s Senior Search Analyst, John Mueller, recently confirmed that the company’s core algorithm updates impact AI-powered overviews in search results. This revelation offers insight into how AI influences search rankings, a topic that has become increasingly relevant for SEO professionals, publishers, and small business owners. 

For small businesses, staying competitive online is crucial, especially when Google rolls out significant changes that affect how websites are ranked and featured in search results. In this article, we will examine how Google’s core updates impact AI-powered overviews, discuss the implications for small business websites and explore how BizzDesign can help your business navigate this dynamic digital landscape.

The Introduction of AI Overviews

To improve the user experience, Google has introduced AI-powered overviews in U.S. search results, a feature designed to present concise answers to users’ queries directly at the top of the search results page. These overviews use Google’s Gemini AI to scan through multiple websites, condensing relevant information into brief, digestible summaries. By doing so, Google aims to streamline the search process for users, delivering high-quality answers more quickly and efficiently.

While this new feature enhances the search experience, it adds a new layer of complexity for small business owners. AI overviews are not only reshaping how content appears in search results but also competing with traditional organic rankings, which have historically driven traffic to small business websites. The challenge for small business owners is adapting their SEO strategies to account for organic rankings and AI overviews to remain visible and relevant in the search ecosystem.

Understanding Core Updates

Core updates are broad algorithm changes that Google implements several times a year to refine the quality of its search results. These updates can affect every aspect of SEO, from keyword rankings to the appearance of rich snippets and, now, AI-powered overviews. The most recent core update, which began rolling out on August 15, 2024, is still in progress, and its effects are being closely monitored by SEO professionals worldwide.

Traditionally, core updates have caused website traffic and search rankings shifts, as Google's algorithm re-evaluates and ranks content based on updated criteria. This means that websites that previously ranked highly in search results may see a decrease in traffic if they no longer meet the new standards set by the core update. Conversely, websites that have optimised their content to align with Google’s best practices may see an improvement in rankings.

Mueller’s recent confirmation that core updates also impact AI overviews adds a new layer of complexity for small businesses. The same algorithm influences these AI-generated summary updates that affect organic rankings, meaning the content that appears in overviews may change after a core update. This underscores the importance of continuously optimising content for small business owners to ensure it remains visible in both traditional search results and AI-generated overviews.

The Impact on Small Business Websites

For small business owners, the fact that core updates affect AI summaries underscores the need for a flexible and adaptive SEO strategy. Simply improving organic rankings is no longer enough; businesses must consider how AI assesses their content.

This is crucial because AI summaries can capture a significant share of search traffic. When a user's query is answered directly by an AI summary, they might be less inclined to click on individual website links, which can reduce the organic traffic to those sites. This can be a mixed blessing for small businesses - AI summaries offer valuable visibility at the top of search results. Still, they may also diminish the chances for users to engage directly with the business’s website.

Additionally, the content featured in AI summaries can change with each core update, which means small businesses must remain vigilant and continuously adjust their content to keep up with Google’s evolving standards. Failure to do so could decrease visibility and traffic, especially as AI becomes an increasingly prominent feature in search results.

How BizzDesign Can Assist You

As a small business owner, keeping up with Google’s core updates and grasping their effects on AI can feel daunting. This is where BizzDesign steps in. We’re experts in guiding small businesses through the dynamic digital landscape, ensuring your website stays competitive and prominent in search results.

Here's how BizzDesign can help your business thrive in the age of AI-powered search:

1. SEO Strategy Improvement

BizzDesign is dedicated to staying ahead of the latest SEO trends, including the impacts of algorithm updates and AI-driven search functionalities. Our experienced team will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy that combines traditional search rankings with AI-generated content. We will enhance your content to boost visibility in conventional search results and AI-generated summaries, increasing your potential to attract valuable traffic.

2. Content Development and Optimisation

Creating high-quality, authoritative content is essential for solid performance in Google’s search results and visibility in AI-generated summaries. BizzDesign’s content creation team will produce engaging and informative material tailored to your target audience while adhering to Google's standards for AI summaries. From blog posts and product descriptions to service pages, we’ll ensure your content is optimised according to the latest algorithm updates.

3. Performance Monitoring and Analytics

Core updates and AI-driven overviews can lead to notable changes in search rankings and traffic. BizzDesign provides continuous monitoring and analytics to track your website and content performance. We will deliver detailed reports on the effects of core updates and offer actionable insights to help you adjust your strategy effectively.

4. Adaptation to AI Trends

With AI increasingly influencing Google’s search algorithms, staying ahead is crucial. BizzDesign will assist you in adapting to the latest AI trends, keeping your business competitive in the fast-evolving digital environment. We will collaborate with you to explore new optimisation techniques for AI-driven search features and offer guidance on crafting content that excels in AI-powered search results.

5. Bespoke Web Design for Superior User Experience

Beyond SEO, BizzDesign excels in creating custom web designs that enhance user experience and boost search rankings. A thoughtfully designed, user-friendly website is crucial for retaining visitors and fostering engagement. Our web design services are customised to address your business's needs, ensuring your site is optimised for search engines and users.


Google’s confirmation that core updates influence AI-powered overviews is a significant shift for small businesses. As AI increasingly drives the future of search, staying informed and adapting your SEO strategies is crucial for maintaining competitiveness. Partnering with BizzDesign ensures your business is strategically positioned to excel in this evolving digital landscape.

From optimising content for AI-driven overviews and monitoring the effects of core updates to designing a custom website that enhances user experience, BizzDesign offers the expertise to help your business succeed. Contact us today to discover how we can support your digital marketing efforts and keep your business at the forefront of AI-powered search.